"If you change the way you look at things,the things you look at change." Wayne Dyer
It's a new year. Do you feel the buzz of new year energy? Newness,motivation,the desire to expand yourself. It's an exciting time. Set the intention for new year. Intend that this year will be amazing. Decide what you want. And go and get it! Seriously..the time can certaintly seem like it's flying by. Are you living to the full and living a life of SUCCESS? Don't be afraid to make mistakes or to make a fool of yourself. Just go out and live. Make this year a joyous one.
To help yourself maximize your life more fully,there are some things you can do. Get rid of some old that no longer resonates with you. De-clutter. This is good for clearing your energy. Now,de-cluttering is good spiritual release but you know what is also good? Forgiveness. Holding onto grudges,anger,pains,bitterness,resentments,whatever is bad for your energy. To maximize your energy and ability to achieve,forgive. Almost everyone has some things they need to forgive,even if it's far back in their past.
So,just for now,decide one or two people or situations you harbor the most negative thoughts or feelings towards. It might surprise you what it actually is that you most need to forgive. Now,set aside some time where you will not be disturbed and can have silence. Get an alarm for yourself. Pick the first thing you are forgiving and set the alarm for ten minutes. Make sure you are seated in a comfortable meditative position. Take deep long breaths. You will continuously do this throughout your ten minute forgiveness visualization meditation. Visualize yourself sending white light to the person. Visualize yourself talking to the person saying what you forgive as if you are there with them having a friendly conversation with them. Do this in a way that is peaceful,non judgmental,and authentic to you. Then,in your mind say positive affirmations for this person blessing them in goodness. I recommend ten minutes of doing the whole meditation but you may feel you should go a little longer,or maybe you feel satisfied doing this for just a little shorter of time. You should feel good after you do this. You should feel released and refreshed.
Forgiveness is something you do for yourself. It frees you. You should work on feeling feelings of spiritual love for all. Forgiveness helps you with this.
Work on healing your perceptions. It's amazing how many see things sometimes through clouded vision. We are not seeing things as they really,the truth. And,this causes feelings of confusion and makes us doubt our intuition. Try really seeing things through the eyes of others. Don't allow other's opinions to have you doubt what you know is your inner truth or cloud the true perception. De-cluttering,forgiveness,and healing your perceptions is great spiritual work which will get this year going on a nice clean start. You will feel lighter,more motivated,and more ready to be in the new.
Namaste. :-)
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