Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Gratitude Opens You Up
Maybe it was in 2008 that I started seeking. In 2008,I began to notice the happiest of people,with the most blessings, were always grateful for EVERYTHING. Every little thing,they were thankful for. This inspired me. It made me decide to start being more thankful since I CERTAINTLY had alot to be thankful for. I started to SEE and FEEL, even more, how good I really had it. It feels GOOD to be appreciative. It elevates your mood to the highest point.
Positivity begets positivity. So,the more you count your blessings and feel how great that is,the more blessings are brought to you. I truly know my seeking in 2008 and feeling gratitude for all the wonderful that I had was the catalyst for my spiritual awakening in 2009. I think most people in society tend to be really ungrateful.
For me,gratitude opened. It opened me. It opened the path. It was the seed of a positive shift. Gratitude was what it all started with.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Friday, August 24, 2012
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Reflections from the Sonoran Desert
Some reflections during a me day i took during my business trip to Arizona.
~Follow your intuiton even if it doesn't make sense. Follow your heart's pulling.
~Taking risks is good for the soul.
~Challenges are good for you. They help you to grow,evolve,and strengthen. They are not to make life hard for you,but part of life's unfolding for you.
~Get a little lost every now and then. Immerse yourself in the beauty and wonder of it. You will always
end up back to where you need to be. :-)And,sometimes you have to get a little lost,to find yourself. Enjoy it.
mexican bird of paradise

~Live intensely. Appreciate everything.
~Think back to two years ago. Now,look at life now. Everything you wanted has come to. Now,imagine where life will be 2 years from now. Amazing,isn't it? Everything in it's right time. Where you are at right now,is YOUR choice. Enjoy reflecting on all the beautiful things that have manifested for you in the recent years. Know that all the things you are desiring right this moment,will be something that you someday will be looking back on with appreciation. You are evolving and living the life you want.
~People are good,and people are kind. Believe this. God is in all.All around you,all the people you encounter,we are all part of God.I sometimes like to think of all the people I encounter(and animals,too) as angels part of my life path. We are all angels. We are all one. All the time i'm filled with gratitude by all the kindness and help i receive in life. All you have to do is believe in it and allow it.
~The past,present,and future are one.
~Soul places. A geographical location with which you feel a soul connection. A place which strongly resonates with your soul.Mine is the West Coast,especially Southern California.
~Well-being is all around you. Allow the wind to open your crown chakra,lift your forehead up to skygaze at the nightskies for your third eye-chakra. Allow the sun in the day to energize you and open your solar plexus and feel strengthened and empowered. Being in or near water cleanses your soul. It's rejuvenating and healing. Life is bliss.
~Follow your intuiton even if it doesn't make sense. Follow your heart's pulling.
~Taking risks is good for the soul.
~Challenges are good for you. They help you to grow,evolve,and strengthen. They are not to make life hard for you,but part of life's unfolding for you.
~Get a little lost every now and then. Immerse yourself in the beauty and wonder of it. You will always
end up back to where you need to be. :-)And,sometimes you have to get a little lost,to find yourself. Enjoy it.
mexican bird of paradise

~Live intensely. Appreciate everything.
~Think back to two years ago. Now,look at life now. Everything you wanted has come to. Now,imagine where life will be 2 years from now. Amazing,isn't it? Everything in it's right time. Where you are at right now,is YOUR choice. Enjoy reflecting on all the beautiful things that have manifested for you in the recent years. Know that all the things you are desiring right this moment,will be something that you someday will be looking back on with appreciation. You are evolving and living the life you want.
~People are good,and people are kind. Believe this. God is in all.All around you,all the people you encounter,we are all part of God.I sometimes like to think of all the people I encounter(and animals,too) as angels part of my life path. We are all angels. We are all one. All the time i'm filled with gratitude by all the kindness and help i receive in life. All you have to do is believe in it and allow it.
~The past,present,and future are one.
~Well-being is all around you. Allow the wind to open your crown chakra,lift your forehead up to skygaze at the nightskies for your third eye-chakra. Allow the sun in the day to energize you and open your solar plexus and feel strengthened and empowered. Being in or near water cleanses your soul. It's rejuvenating and healing. Life is bliss.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Need Guidance?
If you are in need of guidance,you can email for complimentary life coaching by email.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
The Orange Exercise
I call it the orange exercise because it is sacral chakra work.It should take about 5-20 minutes at the most.
Take out a notebook,or a piece of paper or whatever.Write down "What do i want?" Then,without thinking too much,in stream of consciousness style write down everything you can think of. From the mundane(turkey sandwich for lunch),to the big(go to Japan for a month),to the vague(to feel more confident),to the specific(i want a boyfriend/girlfriend who will respect me,not play games,know what they want out of life,who is a great cook and great listener,etc,etc)write down everything you can think of without thinking too much about it,until you feel clear out of things you want for the moment.That’s it. What is the purpose of this? It’s to help you get in the habit of being clear in what you want.Most people go through life not knowing what they want,denying what they want,or being clouded by indecison,etc,etc. Once you know what you want,getting it tends to come really quickly.Do this exercise as often as you feel fitting(everyday,few days a week,once a week,once a month,whatever).
originally written march 2012 and edited for this blog.
originally written march 2012 and edited for this blog.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Saturday, August 11, 2012
How I "Found" God|Accidentally Discovering Meditation
This is an important time in my life. It was summer of 2009. It was really very simple,I had to get away from all the "noise." I was going through intense pain in my life. I was heartbroken by various things and confused. Before this time,I was like most people and disliked silence. I was a little afraid for my mind to be left too long without distraction. Back then,i feared painful thoughts and my mind wandering.
But,here i was in this significant time in my life where the "noise" both literal and the noise in my mind that couldn't stop was hurting me too much. And,i was led by intuition to walk outside and sit down to get away from it. I felt instantly soothed. I began to make it a habit to go outside and sit down in silence.Things started coming to me when i did this. My mind became cleared and "insights" came to me. I did a google search on meditation and the benefits and how to meditate and all that and found out that is what I was doing. It amazed me how profound the effects were of something so simple.
I read somewhere that prayer is like talking to God and meditation is like listening to God. That really resonated with me. I really started to value the time i took meditating and would do it everyday. I noticed for me, personally,I had stronger meditation sessions when it was nighttime. Symbols and synchronicities would come to me. Sometimes after meditating i would be in a trance like state. It was very blissful. I entered a phase in my life where i could see strongly the universe was responding to me. All the things that came to me in meditation, showed me God was real. It was summer of 2009 that i was finally able to say i believed in God without a doubt in my mind. In some of my most intense pain and confusion,I became opened up.Opened up to life and to so much understanding of my personal life path. A new me re-emerged. In a sense,meditation really saved me. I have so much gratitude for it. I feel like i was divinely led to it,as a part of my path,to bring me to a new stage that really changed me.
In meditation,it was like i was being told "it's ok. Everything is ok." I really needed that. I was very scared and confused back then. Meditation is the kind of thing that can only be described so much. It's something you have to really experience to understand. People find God in different ways. People discover a more spiritual way of living in different ways. My way was meditation. All the answers came to me. You can read all the books you want,you can do various things to seek solace and healing,but nothing compares to what meditation can do for you. It was a miracle to me and it is what set me on my spiritual path and the catalyst for spirituality being such a passion for me.
But,here i was in this significant time in my life where the "noise" both literal and the noise in my mind that couldn't stop was hurting me too much. And,i was led by intuition to walk outside and sit down to get away from it. I felt instantly soothed. I began to make it a habit to go outside and sit down in silence.Things started coming to me when i did this. My mind became cleared and "insights" came to me. I did a google search on meditation and the benefits and how to meditate and all that and found out that is what I was doing. It amazed me how profound the effects were of something so simple.
I read somewhere that prayer is like talking to God and meditation is like listening to God. That really resonated with me. I really started to value the time i took meditating and would do it everyday. I noticed for me, personally,I had stronger meditation sessions when it was nighttime. Symbols and synchronicities would come to me. Sometimes after meditating i would be in a trance like state. It was very blissful. I entered a phase in my life where i could see strongly the universe was responding to me. All the things that came to me in meditation, showed me God was real. It was summer of 2009 that i was finally able to say i believed in God without a doubt in my mind. In some of my most intense pain and confusion,I became opened up.Opened up to life and to so much understanding of my personal life path. A new me re-emerged. In a sense,meditation really saved me. I have so much gratitude for it. I feel like i was divinely led to it,as a part of my path,to bring me to a new stage that really changed me.
In meditation,it was like i was being told "it's ok. Everything is ok." I really needed that. I was very scared and confused back then. Meditation is the kind of thing that can only be described so much. It's something you have to really experience to understand. People find God in different ways. People discover a more spiritual way of living in different ways. My way was meditation. All the answers came to me. You can read all the books you want,you can do various things to seek solace and healing,but nothing compares to what meditation can do for you. It was a miracle to me and it is what set me on my spiritual path and the catalyst for spirituality being such a passion for me.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Monday, August 6, 2012
Root Chakra
The root chakra used to be the chakra i didn’t really pay much attention to. I don’t even like the color red,and it seemed like a chakra that was not very necessary for me to work on. Starting in march,though,i have been focusing on it more.The root chakra rules issues of survival and security.If you are feeling really happy and excited and life is going really well,root chakra work can help you to stay grounded. They say this is a good chakra to work on when you are first falling in love,as well, for the same purpose. Any issues with anxiety or things of basic needs like worries about money or finances,would benefit from root chakra work.
The color associated with this chakra,is red and the root is the first,and lowest chakra. It is also masculine.Foods associated with this chakra would be protein rich foods and root vegetables.To balance this chakra,you can use color therapy with the color red. Make sure your getting enough root chakra foods. You can use aromatherapy such as sandalwood rubbed onto the bottoms of your feet.You can use solfeggio frequencies of 396hz.You can walk barefoot on the ground. You can also try vizualizing tree branches and being rooted into the ground.
originally written april 2012
The color associated with this chakra,is red and the root is the first,and lowest chakra. It is also masculine.Foods associated with this chakra would be protein rich foods and root vegetables.To balance this chakra,you can use color therapy with the color red. Make sure your getting enough root chakra foods. You can use aromatherapy such as sandalwood rubbed onto the bottoms of your feet.You can use solfeggio frequencies of 396hz.You can walk barefoot on the ground. You can also try vizualizing tree branches and being rooted into the ground.
originally written april 2012
Friday, August 3, 2012
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