~Follow your intuiton even if it doesn't make sense. Follow your heart's pulling.
~Taking risks is good for the soul.
~Challenges are good for you. They help you to grow,evolve,and strengthen. They are not to make life hard for you,but part of life's unfolding for you.
~Get a little lost every now and then. Immerse yourself in the beauty and wonder of it. You will always
end up back to where you need to be. :-)And,sometimes you have to get a little lost,to find yourself. Enjoy it.
mexican bird of paradise

~Live intensely. Appreciate everything.
~Think back to two years ago. Now,look at life now. Everything you wanted has come to. Now,imagine where life will be 2 years from now. Amazing,isn't it? Everything in it's right time. Where you are at right now,is YOUR choice. Enjoy reflecting on all the beautiful things that have manifested for you in the recent years. Know that all the things you are desiring right this moment,will be something that you someday will be looking back on with appreciation. You are evolving and living the life you want.
~People are good,and people are kind. Believe this. God is in all.All around you,all the people you encounter,we are all part of God.I sometimes like to think of all the people I encounter(and animals,too) as angels part of my life path. We are all angels. We are all one. All the time i'm filled with gratitude by all the kindness and help i receive in life. All you have to do is believe in it and allow it.
~The past,present,and future are one.
~Well-being is all around you. Allow the wind to open your crown chakra,lift your forehead up to skygaze at the nightskies for your third eye-chakra. Allow the sun in the day to energize you and open your solar plexus and feel strengthened and empowered. Being in or near water cleanses your soul. It's rejuvenating and healing. Life is bliss.
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