Friday, November 30, 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012


Everything is connected. The Universe is always responding to you. Are you listening? What magic did today bring you? Are your eyes open?

1.)Life is beautiful. Feel your pain. Let it sink. Accept. Sometimes we are resisting things so much,what would happen if we just let go? Everything is going to work out. It really is.

2.)Everyone in your world is connected to you. In them,is the universe. In you,is the universe. You,and them,and the universe are one. This is called the concept of oneness. Just maybe,everyone has a message for you. Everyone is here for you..guiding you along on your path,playing a role in your life story. Angels. Giving you a smile when you need it. A reassurance. An epiphany. A contradictory viewpoint. A validation. Something painful to trigger some growth you need. An ear to listen. A synchronistic story to relate to. A hand to hold.

3.) Everyone is doing the best they can with the awareness they have. 

4.) I find that people are intrinsically good. People generally don't really want to hurt you. When you hurt another,you hurt yourself. Remember,concept of oneness. :) If you are finding this not to be true,and thinking people are "not good," it's because you are resisting it. You are resisting the goodness in people and of the universe. People WANT to help you. 

5.)Heal your perceptions. 

6.) Take breaks. Find time to do nothing. If throughout your busy day,you can take a few ten minute intervals of doing nothing at all,you give your mind a chance to let go of distractions. You can miss out on important messages if you are constantly distracted or don't take a break from doing,talking,thinking.

7.)Things take time. Do a little bit. Then,do a little bit more tomorrow. Focus on the progress not what is still left. "You will never get it all done,but you always get it all right."-Abraham

8.)Remember:this is your life. Your path. Everything is part of it. You,and your life are a beautiful work in progress. Stay in the moment.

9.)Surround your environment with things that make you happy. Things that feel good. Make your space a happy,comfortable and uplifting space. :)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

"Desire is your soul speaking to you. And,it's always connected to the fulfillment of desire. You only want the things your here to do. And,your only here to do the things you can do."-Andrea Schroeder of ABC creativity


1.) Be decisive. Decisiveness is key to success and inner peace. When you are decisive,you will meet your goals that much quicker,and you will find decisiveness gives your life structure.

2.)Take control. Take a look at your life and see where you can take more initiative. Practice doing this more in your life on a day to day basis.

3.) Be more action-oriented. Take inspired actions towards your goals. What actions today will bring you closer to something you want? What actions will make your life better,make you happier?

4.)Do more physical exercises. Also,do exercises that cultivate masculine energy by choosing exercises that regimented,focused,and disciplined. These are all masculine qualities you really want to work on if you are a masculine essence. Weight-lifting is one way to do this,along with anything that really challenges you to be disciplined and stay focused. 

5.) Get a handle on money. Money is masculine energy. Get organized about it. Get smart. In most cases,think earn more,not save more.

These are just 5 ways to help if you are looking to cultivate your masculine energy. Work on this,and if you are someone with a mostly masculine essence,you will find yourself having a lot more peace,confidence,ease of life,and success by implementing these into your life.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

"Oscar Wilde said:"Each man kills the thing he loves." And,it's true. The mere possibility of getting what we want fills the ordinary person with guilt. We look around at all those who have failed to get what they want and feel that we do not deserve to get what we want either. I have known a lot of people who,when their personal calling was within their grasp,went on to commit a series of stupid mistakes and never reached their goal-when it was only a step away."-Paulo Coehlo

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


     November. The nights get longer. Holiday blues can affect some. Getting less sunlight and societal pressures can have an effect that makes some people feel depressed. Winter is near and is in a sense,the death of the year.
     It's darkest before the dawn. Every season carries with it meaning and blessings. Learn to flow and accept. Even embrace your sadness."Getting into the spiritual swing of things is no easy matter for the average person. The adverse thoughts of doubt and fear surge from the subconscious. They are the "army of the aliens" which must be put to flight. This explains why it is so often, "darkest before the dawn."
A big demonstration is usually preceded by tormenting thoughts.
Having made a statement of high spiritual truth one challenges the old beliefs in the subconscious, and "error is exposed" to be put out.One of my students once asked me to explain the "darkness before the dawn." I referred in a preceding chapter to the fact that often, before the big demonstration "everything seems to go wrong," and deep depression clouds the consciousness. It means that out of the subconscious are rising the doubts and fears of the ages. These old derelicts of the subconscious rise to the surface, to be put out."-Florence Scovel Schinn 
     Law of polarity. To have light,you have to have darkness. The darkness exists to help you appreciate the light.It provides perspective and balance. Just like there is benefits to light,there is benefits to darkness. Darkness can provide clarity. It is contrast. This is a great time to get clear on what you want.
     Now is a great time to dream. Dream and give thanks. Give thanks for all the blessings you have recieved this year and all that's to come and start allowing your heart's desires to get really clear. Reflect. Write. Spend some time with yourself taking in the solitude. Take in silence. Immerse yourself in nightskies. Visualize.Spring is the season of manifestation. Now is a time of brewing. Let old things that you no longer want/need or add value to your life "die away." Let old patterns or habits go.
     Contrast is essential. "Contrast helps you to identify desire. Desire is summoning."- Abraham Hicks 

And that's what that winter of the year does for you. It allows you to get clear,let go,and to dream of the future. Remember that all things in life have purpose and meaning. Nothing happens without reason or by chance.

Amidst the chaos and craziness and things that may go seem to go "wrong," look for the beauty. Maybe even laugh at it. Are your eyes open? Are you listening to life? Allow your intuition to be strong. In the darkness,there is light. There is clarity. There is a path unfolding. Dream. Strengthen and nurture. Plant good seeds for your future. Find comfort in it all.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


For more information on feminine and masculine energy:

1.)Take a look at the way you exercise. A lot of exercise is more better for masculine energy,and that is good to do if that's what you want to cultivate. However,if you are seeking to flow more into feminine energy,ask yourself if the exercise you choose to do is helping that. Dance is great for this,especially belly dancing. Belly dancing is also great for the chakras. Yoga and pilates is balanced in feminine and masculine energy and is also great to do. Exercises that are best for feminine energy will be more spontaneous,and less regimented.

2.)Move more slowly. In a masculine dominated society where we are often encouraged to rush about through our day,this may be a bit of a practice. But,doing so will reap many benefits. It will relax you. It will also help you to flow more with life,and be more present. And,as paradoxical as it may sound,you will actually find you can possibly accomplish MORE if you do this. It's a little bit of a trust and surrender. In moments throughout your day,instead of moving fast,just slow it down a little. When one yields to time,time comes to their side.

3.)Allow yourself to receive. Many of us are not very good receivers. We can give but when something is offered to us,like a compliment,or gift,or a favor,or help,we may turn it down thinking it's polite or deny it in some way. Instead,try accepting and allowing yourself to be filled with gratitude by the giving. You may be a good giver,but how good of a receiver are you? Both are important.

4.) Get creative. Maybe find an outlet that allows you to express your creativity. Paint,write poetry,sketch,play with colors,clothing,designs. Also,maybe find ways to be creative even in your daily life. Think creatively.

5.)Mix things up in your day to day life. Allowing things to be too regimented in your day to day life is horrible for feminine energy. Find little ways to mix a little spontaneity in your life. It could be from even trying a new food item for dinner,to driving a different route home from work. Find ways to not allow things to feel too routine. Embrace the feeling that everyday is different and full of possibility and the wonder that anything beautiful and unexpected can happen at any time. Be open to that.

I will write a follow-up for masculine energy next. :-) 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

"Pray about everything. Worry about nothing."-Phillipians 4:6

Sunday, November 11, 2012


     Clutter holds you back. In a sense,clutter can even be considered "bad luck." Your living environment represents your state of mind. If you are surrounded by a mess and disorganization,you can bet your mind is not clear. And,on the contrary,if you are someone who is pretty organized,your mind is likely reflective of that.
     Clearing clutter is freeing. It helps you to focus and will make you feel lighter and overall more positive. You will feel more able to take on the world. 
     Are you someone who attaches a lot of meaning to clutter? Maybe you have been called a packrat before? The thing is,our possessions make us feel filled. And,to feel filled is a good thing. It reminds of us things that feel good,and things that were meaningful in our lives. But,less is more. :-) Less enhances. Basically,you will find as you get rid of some things you don't TRULY want/need,and keep just some things,you will feel MORE of your memories and in a better way. You DON'T need to have every little thing that reminds you of some thing or phase of your life. Your memories are within. They live within you. Let go of the attachment.  :)How do you choose what you no longer need? Follow your intuition. A lot of times you will find you don't REALLY want something,but just feel afraid to let it go. How will you feel years from now if you no longer have this? You want to feel trusting of life enough to where you KNOW you don't really NEED anything that is a possession,but able to enjoy the earth joy of owning some things,because there is nothing at all wrong or unspiritual about that. It's a process that only you will be able to decide for yourself. There is no one else who will be able to tell you what is special to you and what to keep and what you don't really need/want. It's pretty subjective. 
     De-cluttering will also give you more time in your day. Everything is energy. As you let go of things you don't truly want/need,you leave space for new to come to you. And,it's all part of your path.It's all a part of you.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

"In all chaos,there is a cosmos,in all disorder,a secret order."-Carl Jung

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


     Know that at any moment your life can change. Be filled with excitement and wonder that any moment,something beautiful and unexpected can happen. Know what you want. RELAX. Enjoy the process. Everything in it's right time. Life is beautiful. Listen to music with positive lyrics. Take a chance. Do the inner work. Learn to apply acceptance in your life. Take breaks every now and then. Exercise. Do good things for yourself. Organize and de-clutter. Trust and have faith. Trust your special-ness. Be creative. Be resourceful. Be smart. Work smart. Let go of negative feelings. Sometimes you just have to take the plunge. Be grateful.  Be awake to the beauty and magic of life and see how different every day is. Make an effort. Have fun. Do good. Be authentic.Listen. Live. Smile. Laugh.Believe in good things. Dreams do come true.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

"All of us,more then we recognize,are products of the thinking around us. And much of this thinking is little,not big. All around us is an environment that is trying to drag you down to mediocrity.You are told almost daily that there is plenty of room for the worker,but little chance for the boss-grade.-"David J.Schwartz,The Magic Of Thinking Big.