Sunday, November 25, 2012


1.) Be decisive. Decisiveness is key to success and inner peace. When you are decisive,you will meet your goals that much quicker,and you will find decisiveness gives your life structure.

2.)Take control. Take a look at your life and see where you can take more initiative. Practice doing this more in your life on a day to day basis.

3.) Be more action-oriented. Take inspired actions towards your goals. What actions today will bring you closer to something you want? What actions will make your life better,make you happier?

4.)Do more physical exercises. Also,do exercises that cultivate masculine energy by choosing exercises that regimented,focused,and disciplined. These are all masculine qualities you really want to work on if you are a masculine essence. Weight-lifting is one way to do this,along with anything that really challenges you to be disciplined and stay focused. 

5.) Get a handle on money. Money is masculine energy. Get organized about it. Get smart. In most cases,think earn more,not save more.

These are just 5 ways to help if you are looking to cultivate your masculine energy. Work on this,and if you are someone with a mostly masculine essence,you will find yourself having a lot more peace,confidence,ease of life,and success by implementing these into your life.

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