Monday, November 26, 2012


Everything is connected. The Universe is always responding to you. Are you listening? What magic did today bring you? Are your eyes open?

1.)Life is beautiful. Feel your pain. Let it sink. Accept. Sometimes we are resisting things so much,what would happen if we just let go? Everything is going to work out. It really is.

2.)Everyone in your world is connected to you. In them,is the universe. In you,is the universe. You,and them,and the universe are one. This is called the concept of oneness. Just maybe,everyone has a message for you. Everyone is here for you..guiding you along on your path,playing a role in your life story. Angels. Giving you a smile when you need it. A reassurance. An epiphany. A contradictory viewpoint. A validation. Something painful to trigger some growth you need. An ear to listen. A synchronistic story to relate to. A hand to hold.

3.) Everyone is doing the best they can with the awareness they have. 

4.) I find that people are intrinsically good. People generally don't really want to hurt you. When you hurt another,you hurt yourself. Remember,concept of oneness. :) If you are finding this not to be true,and thinking people are "not good," it's because you are resisting it. You are resisting the goodness in people and of the universe. People WANT to help you. 

5.)Heal your perceptions. 

6.) Take breaks. Find time to do nothing. If throughout your busy day,you can take a few ten minute intervals of doing nothing at all,you give your mind a chance to let go of distractions. You can miss out on important messages if you are constantly distracted or don't take a break from doing,talking,thinking.

7.)Things take time. Do a little bit. Then,do a little bit more tomorrow. Focus on the progress not what is still left. "You will never get it all done,but you always get it all right."-Abraham

8.)Remember:this is your life. Your path. Everything is part of it. You,and your life are a beautiful work in progress. Stay in the moment.

9.)Surround your environment with things that make you happy. Things that feel good. Make your space a happy,comfortable and uplifting space. :)

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