Wednesday, October 10, 2012


     There are two big things that hold us back from freedom and success. And,in a sense these two things don't REALLY exist as they are products of fear. It's an illusion and you don't want to fall into the trap of either of these two. First,we will talk about blame. There is no such thing as blame. We are all co-creators of our realities and so therefore all things one attracts into their reality,is THEIR creation. Free yourself from the concept of blame. Yes,that's right. At first,it could seem easier to blame another,but when you do that,your giving away your power to the one you are blaming. So,shoulder up the responsibility. Ask yourself how on some level did you bring this situation about. This is a very empowered way of being. Take control of your life. Vow to never blame another person again.
     The second key to freedom,is for some people, harder to understand and apply. However,it's something that holds a lot of people back far more then they know. It's being consumed by guilt. On some level,most humans are racked with guilt. Guilt for little things they have done,or have not done,or could have done better. They may not know it,but on some level,this is keeping them from achieving higher. They believe they can only achieve to some certain point because their guilts have them feeling inadequate. A lot of this may even be subconscious. What you need to do is forgive yourself and realize guilt will not make anyone's life any better and it's actually staying stuck in ego. Plus,we are all-co-creating. Whatever situations you feel guilt about,the other's in the situation attracted and created it as well to their realities.We all do the best we can with what we know. Let it go. Do better next time. Staying stuck in guilt,and not achieving your maximum potential may trick your ego into thinking your a "good" person,but in actuality,it serves nobody,and certaintly not yourself.
     So,realize that it's ok to make mistakes. Sure,there may times where you resort to blame still. For example,how dare that waitress take forever with your order. Clearly,it was her fault. Just keep working on letting the concept of blame go.As for guilt,i'm not encouraging you to NEVER feel guilt. I'm encouraging you to let go of it,and never dwell in it. Feel it for a few moments,few minutes,whatever the time it needs depending on the situation,THEN let it go. Do better next time. Following what I have talked about will do wonders for raising your vibration,feeling more peace within,and achieving your success to the full.

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