Monday, May 19, 2014


     Karma isn't real and believing in it,is only going to hinder your happiness. Most people who believe in karma,like to do so because they either on some level want someone they perceived has slighted them to be punished or feel they themselves should be punished. Of course,considering the law of attraction,if you believe in karma,then by your believing in it,it will be true for your reality. But,doing so,actually hinders you. I think the reason people believe in karma is similar to why people believe in hell,and the devil. They just can't stand the idea that people can do things,and not be punished for it,and so the concept of karma was created which is basically like evolving from the concept of hell.
      The truth is,God doesn't judge and it's only your thinking that makes something bad or good,that makes it so. You already are deserving. But,you constantly keep thinking your not for one reason or another,or want to make excuses for why something bad happened to you and find meaning in it,so you therefore blame karma. If someone does something to hurt you bad enough,you may go crazy and to ease yourself,you tell yourself they will get their karma. And,so this cycle continues,basically imprisoning us. Freeing yourself from the concept of karma is empowering.
     If karma is real,then why do people in this lifetime who do things most any sane person would agree is awful,continue to live out their desires and achieve the things they want? Why do "good" people seem to suffer and struggle? If they are so "good," then why don't they have supreme happiness all the time and attract all their desires with ease? Ok,by now,some will start to bring past lives into the picture. Except,no. Past lives and how you incarnate into the next life has NOTHING to do with how good or bad you are in the previous life and you don't keep evolving more and more after each life. You just don't. When you choose to incarnate,you have your lessons and desires you choose to experience in this lifetime. This is based on what your soul wants to experience..even if you your CONSCIOUS self can't fathom why,your soul knows things your conscious self doesn't. Of course,reality IS everchanging,and so while incarnated,it is possible to have this(your desires) evolve a bit. 
     If karma WAS real,it would interfere with the law of attraction. The law of attraction  IS real. Yes,yes,and again YES,if you believe in karma strongly enough,karma will seem real to you. But,as soon as you stop believing in it,it will cease to be real. The problem with believing in karma is you are giving power to something outside of yourself. This is hindering. It literally does NOT make sense. Believing in karma is lower vibratory then not believing in karma. When you choose to stop believing in karma,you are freeing yourself,and freeing up blocked energy which will give you more freedom and flow to your life. In fact,you will then get MORE clarity and I believe find meaning easier in your life. People are constantly clouded believing this person will get their karma,and that person will get theirs,and claiming to see signs of this to be true. What about when bad things happen to you? Your karma? Come on. Not to mention,if karma is real,and you really believe it,everytime you say someone will get their karma,you are basically bringing bad karma to yourself because by believing in bad karma,you should know better(personal responsibility),and would essentially be sending them bad energy.Your running yourself in circles with a LIMITING belief. Evolve PAST the concept of karma. 
     This may be hard to believe or accept for some. But,here it is. We are here,living out our desires,and walking our path. Whether or not you do bad things or good things,has zero effect on this. Let go of the guilt. Let go of the blame. As much as it may anger you to see someone you deem being awful to still be out living their desires,that's just the life path they chose for themselves. In some cases,it may even be possible for someone to for example in one life choose to for example be a butcher,then in a next life,a a pig who is butchered,however this is NOT karma. It's contrast.Souls sometimes like to experience contrast. It's different in the ether. Most people can't comprehend why people(or animals) would CHOOSE certain things.  When you cross over,or get in deep touch with your soul,or perhaps have certain spiritual experiences,you will begin to understand.