Sunday, October 28, 2012


     Sometimes,it's good to check in with yourself and ask yourself good questions. Asking yourself good questions helps you to reflect on how you can improve upon yourself and your life,and can enable you to think more positively. 

~What do I want? I covered this in an earlier blog post. Asking yourself this simple question simplifies things for yourself. So often our minds get cluttered with chatter,and we can become indecisive or frustrated. Stop. Breathe. Ask yourself:WHAT DO I WANT? Sometimes,it can be such a relief and a step forward just to ask yourself this.

~How has my life changed in the last month( or 3 months,6 months,year,or whatever time interval you want to choose)? Doing this keeps you focused on the progress you have made,and helps you see where you are at now in life. It also puts you focused on gratitude. Sometimes,in the moment of life,we may not feel like we are changing as much as we are,but change is constant,it's always happening,and stepping back and looking at that,helps you to really see it,which makes you feel good,and is affirming.

~What feels better?/What would make me FEEL better? When making a decision,ask yourself,what FEELS better? As in truly better. Better from the heart. What feels better,is the better decision. Don't let ego(the mind) interfere with heart. 

~How can I be better/do better? This is all about self-improvement. Love and appreciate ourselves and our lives as they are,while having a healthy striving for improvement. It's perhaps a paradox,but it's about growth. We are meant to to grow,which is what the "improving" is about. But,we still love where we are at,we love the path we are on,we love our past,and trust in the greatness of the our future.

What actions can i take to make my life better/make myself more successful and peace filled?

What would make me happy? Another simple question,but how often do we actually ask ourselves this? We fill our minds with negativity all the time,but filling it with positive simple questions guides our mind to the positive,so we therefore stay focused on the positive for longer,and therefore become more solution focused people.

These are just some examples of positive questions you can ask yourself. Come up with your own,and check in with yourself now and then. :-)

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