Sunday, June 1, 2014


     After some time,and things now being more in hindsight,I thought it'd be a good time to make a part two to the original post healing through grief since my views have already evolved since the first posting. After starting this part 2 and how long it ended up being,it is likely there will be a part three later on as well. Some things may kind of repeat a little bit but this is because this series is a bit more diary-like.
      One thing that has evolved is that I am now more accepting of death and see it as a natural cycle of life. After contemplating it for awhile,I find most viewpoints on death come from societal conditioning. To be honest,I find the more I spiritually evolve,the more I am peeling away layers and layers of societal conditioning. Sometimes when I think about it,it frustrates me how much societal conditioning there is the world. But,then I feel it is just part of the path. Death is one of those things that has a lot of societal conditioning. Sometimes in the moment,I will catch myself thinking untrue thoughts that are negative and don't serve me that come from this conditioning that I am still working on letting go of. It can take time to really let go of all layers even when you know something no longer resonates with you. For example,I still catch myself feeling sad thinking of death as a punishment once in awhile and how unfair it is and then tell myself how much that contradicts what I find to actually be truth. Again,it takes time to peel away old layers. Changing a belief can still have you with old thoughts that no longer resonate with you popping up from time to time. The more my viewpoints have expanded,the more I see death as a change. It is not a punishment because the soul chooses when it is going to leave. And one thing that I've decided really resonates the more I've thought about it and studied is that death and birth are REALLY similar. Death and birth are the SAME. They are both a big change.Both processes are messy and usually painful. When you choose to be born,you are leaving the spirit world,and when you choose to die,you are choosing to leave the physical realm. Both are leaving one world and entering another. I also firmly believe all death is "suicide." I know this is a controversial opinion and a lot of people will disagree with it.
"The fear of death is unnecessary. The truth is all death is a suicide."-Abraham Hicks
     I believe the law of attraction is always at work,and neverending. The law of attraction applies before you are born,and applies even after you die. You are neverending as well. I believe there are no accidents. I believe some things we may be choosing on a deeper soul level that we cannot fathom consciously but even still we are always choosing and co-creating. The law of attraction applies to animals,of course as well. Why would they be exempt? Animals are souls,too afterall and the law of attraction wouldn't make sense if it wasn't all inclusive. Too many people believe in the law of attraction but try to make exceptions for this scenario or that scenario when in fact it is always the law of attraction. I believe the universe is a beautiful and mysterious place that is so damn amazing it can make every soul's desires manifest even if at times they contradict. The universe is amazing like that. I believe we all choose contrast and soul lessons for our lifetime. I believe in destiny. I do not believe in karma. Ever since I stopped believing in karma,I feel like a small,slight weight has been lifted off me like there's been some energy blockage cleared.  I believe in the power of positivity and radiating love,gratitude,and being peace. These are higher vibrational feelings.
    I've wondered about regrets. One thing that makes me more trusting in destiny and feel a little better about regrets is the Butterfly Effect. It's a mainstream movie and I usually hesitate to use a mainstream movie as a point of reference,but this movie is what popped in my head before to me with this and hits a good point. If we look back at our life,most people probably feel like there is  things they wish they could've done differently or changed. But,I happen to think that perhaps one change, changes everything and that you can't predict what that change could even be. Every little detail in your life manifests the way it did for a reason and by perfect design of this mysterious universe. Change one thing,and you could give yourself a much different reality that is far from better then your current one. It's hard,but a trust in destiny allows you to realize the universe is perfect,there are no mistakes,and everything happens in divine timing. You came here to experience. Trust life. Trust the perfect,intricate design of the universe. Also,know reality is everchanging and the universe is continously expanding. What I mean about everchanging is this:Yes,before you incarnate you may decide something to experience,but in this lifetime on a soul level,your soul could alter that a bit. It's all very intricate but perfect,and it's all you! You are deciding! And,yet it's all so perfect to somehow coexist and manifest with all the other soul's who are deciding as well. This is a perfect universe. Trust it.
   One thing death does is it's awakens us. It awakens us to love and to how much we love and what it's all about. Love. You don't care so much about the silly things afterwards and the fears because you realize it doesn't matter. And,I think that's why I say we all take things for granted on some level,because once a loved one dies,you became awakened to things. And,it's startling. It becomes as if someone took a veil off. It's hard to describe because it's so individual. One thing Buttons taught me by leaving was how much I love her and how important she is to me. And,it's not like I didn't know that already. It's just her leaving became a lesson. She left accomplishing her lesson." Look,mom how much you love me,and how important I am to you,and how we were always connected. I'm SIGNIFICANT." I'm not going to lie...even I was surprised at how big on a soul level she was to me. I knew I adored her but it just became very wow. I didn't think animals could be guides..and now I feel like maybe she was my guide,even. I have no doubt in my mind she is definitely a SOUL connection to me.
     Since she left,my love for animals even has become reawakened. I've been considering converting from vegetarianism to veganism. That is kind of weird to me,since she is a feline,there is no direct connection..but I guess it's kinda DOES make sense. I've also been awakened to my passion that all shelters should be no kill. This is a cause I would like to take actions and set positive intentions towards for making this happen. I haven't felt this passionate for animal causes for the most part since well...around the time she came in my life. It's like as I grew up,I felt it was too pointless to make an effect on those issues so became a vegetarian in I believe it was 1999 or 2000 and just figured I was doing my part and let it go. I'd donate to charities from time to time and have compassion, but that's mostly it.
     I believe in reincarnation and past lives. The more I've reflected on it,the more I get the eerie feeling my childhood cat Shadow reincarnated as Buttons. I do think Buttons will reincarnate in the near future and come back to me as cat again. I think soul connections in our lives tend to stick with each other throughout lifetimes in one way or another. I've thought about fostering cats in the meantime but after some thought,I am not sure I am quite ready for that,either. It's too soon for me to adopt a cat. If I did adopt now or soon,it'd be more likely a senior cat since they are so special and less likely to be adopted. It would be especially too soon for me to adopt a kitten since you raise them and start from the beginning with them. I'm hoping the next kitten that will come to me will be Buttons. She will find me when the time is right and I am ready and least expect it.

"The animal will say,inevitably, 'don't worry,i'll find you.' Something we call serendipitous will then happen,but really it came from the animal spirit and the intention to get back to this place."-Kim Sheridan,Animals and the afterlife
    While grieving there was nonstop tears for me. I would cry multiple times per hour and for the first week couldn't even be alone at home for too long because it was too painful. My chakras were blocked. I ended up losing part of my hearing from my third eye chakra becoming blocked. After this,I told myself I needed to not take my health for granted and try to feel better and make more efforts at functioning.Since all of life is symbols and signs and speaking to us,everytime my ear loses partial hearing,I know it's because i'm not hearing things clearly metaphorically speaking. This makes sense. I had an overkill of OCD thoughts after she transitioned. My truth was becoming so fogged. 
     Why do we eventually come to a place where we are OK after things we deemed awful happen? It is because humans are just adaptable? I came to this: We are naturally self healing. Just like bodies are self healing,we self heal emotionally/mentally. Of course,we can resist this and that's why some people can seem to never heal from the pain. Naturally,however,we are love. And,despite the contrast,the pain,we are meant to self heal and so we do. This doesn't make us bad people,we are just doing what love does. 

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