Sunday, November 11, 2012


     Clutter holds you back. In a sense,clutter can even be considered "bad luck." Your living environment represents your state of mind. If you are surrounded by a mess and disorganization,you can bet your mind is not clear. And,on the contrary,if you are someone who is pretty organized,your mind is likely reflective of that.
     Clearing clutter is freeing. It helps you to focus and will make you feel lighter and overall more positive. You will feel more able to take on the world. 
     Are you someone who attaches a lot of meaning to clutter? Maybe you have been called a packrat before? The thing is,our possessions make us feel filled. And,to feel filled is a good thing. It reminds of us things that feel good,and things that were meaningful in our lives. But,less is more. :-) Less enhances. Basically,you will find as you get rid of some things you don't TRULY want/need,and keep just some things,you will feel MORE of your memories and in a better way. You DON'T need to have every little thing that reminds you of some thing or phase of your life. Your memories are within. They live within you. Let go of the attachment.  :)How do you choose what you no longer need? Follow your intuition. A lot of times you will find you don't REALLY want something,but just feel afraid to let it go. How will you feel years from now if you no longer have this? You want to feel trusting of life enough to where you KNOW you don't really NEED anything that is a possession,but able to enjoy the earth joy of owning some things,because there is nothing at all wrong or unspiritual about that. It's a process that only you will be able to decide for yourself. There is no one else who will be able to tell you what is special to you and what to keep and what you don't really need/want. It's pretty subjective. 
     De-cluttering will also give you more time in your day. Everything is energy. As you let go of things you don't truly want/need,you leave space for new to come to you. And,it's all part of your path.It's all a part of you.

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